Optimization of regulation of competition in railway passenger and freight transport in the Czech Republic

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Investor: Technological agency of the Czech Republic, project no.:TD010063

Aim: guidelines for administrative procedures in the field of transport policy and competition policy within the rail industry.

Partial goals

  • roadmap for liberalization of passenger and freight rail services in the Czech Republic;
  • draft of the institutional structure, tools and various regulatory measures to ensure compatibility with the objectives of liberalization and legislative rules of the EU transport policy and strategic objectives of the transport policy of the Czech Republic;
  • guidelines for assessing the intensity of competition and its disruption in passenger and freight rail transport in the Czech Republic, especially in defining the relevant market, proving an abuse of a dominant position in the market and bid-rigging.

Main outputs

Guidelines for the optimization of the institutional environment in rail transport in the Czech Republic; beneficiary The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic.
Guidelines for defining the relevant market in the the rail industry; beneficiary The Office for the Protection of Competition of the Czech Republic.
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